21 Sep

Whilst many of the world’s labs work on ways of identifying a vaccine to protect the public from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) the simplest way to prevent further spread of the virus is through good hygiene and disinfection practices.

Although the Coronavirus is a fast-spreading and infecting virus which has seen much of the world grind to a halt, it is actually a very easy virus to kill due to its structure.

But what are the best ways to kill the Coronavirus and keep your business safe?

Soap and Water

Due to the Coronavirus’s structure, it makes it very easy to lift the virus off of surfaces and wash it away. And with its main structure being surrounded by a lipid membrane (which makes the virus hold its shape) soap can easily dissolve the membrane making the virus collapse and no longer infectious.

However, although this method is great for keeping our hands clean and virus free (remember to wash your hands for 20 seconds with hot soap and water), the same cannot be said about keeping your business free of the Coronavirus.  As they say ‘Electricity and Water’ don’t mix and if you or your cleaning team use soap and water to clean computers, printers and other expensive pieces of tech then you will probably have an expensive replacement bill and see your business out of action for a few more weeks (and this isn’t something you or your staff want after spending over a 100 days working from home).

So, what other methods can you use to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus within your business?

Alcohol based antiseptics and sanitisers

There are many alcohol-based sanitisers and antiseptics on the market, with many of them containing either ethanol, isopropanol, or a combination of the two which is dissolved in water. Like soap, alcohol-based antiseptics and sanitisers can dissolve the structure of the Coronavirus making it inert. However, it may be easy to think that using 100% alcohol will be more effective against the Coronavirus but having water within alcohol-based sanitisers and antiseptics makes it easier to disrupt the proteins within the virus.

Most alcohol-based antiseptics and sanitisers will contain 60-80% alcohol making them effective at killing viruses like COVID-19. But due to their viscosity (being in liquid form), this wouldn’t make them ideal for cleaning office equipment and more towards the use of sanitising your staff’s hands if they are entering your building, handling food or have touched multiple surfaces around the office.

However, to ensure that office equipment such as computer screens, keyboards, mice, printer screens and office phones are sanitised and free from viruses, use alcohol-based wipes. These normally contain 70% alcohol, effectively killing viruses from surfaces and eliminates the potential for damaging office equipment.

What about bleach?

Bleach has been a staple cleaning product within households and many businesses over the years. Inexpensive and readily available, bleach is a popular disinfectant as it gets to work fast destroying viruses and other microorganisms that would be living on surfaces.

However, although studies show that bleach is extremely effective against viruses like COVID-19, extensive use of bleach can damage surfaces and can be incredibly harmful to skin and respiratory system. Also, bleach can quickly lose its antiviral effectiveness as free chlorine levels (which destroy proteins within viruses) decreases following contact with dirt, contaminants, and UV (ultraviolet) Light. Therefore, while bleach is an effective disinfectant against coronavirus, it does have its downsides making it unsuitable to be used in some working environments.

Is there a better alternative?

Yes, there is. Us!

We at A&R Cleaning services have been working throughout the pandemic ensuring that both our clients and businesses have been able to operate within a safe and clean environment.

Unlike some commercial cleaning providers who have been reacting to the recent pandemic, we are proactive and have been using viricidal cleaning products for a number of years to keep our client’s properties virus free.

Although bleach is effective against viruses within a household setting, it isn’t effective within a commercial setting. Its effectiveness against viruses can become greatly comprised through the constant touching of surfaces by staff and the introduction of dirt and debris and can be incredibly damaging when used on a regular basis.

We only use products that are kind to surfaces and are BSEN (British Standard European Norm) tested which proves our products kill viruses including the Coronavirus, Norovirus, E. coli, SARS, and MRSA to name a few. Ensuring that our clients and other businesses across South Wales are able to operate in a safe and clean environment.  

If you would like to find out more about our professional commercial cleaning services including our bio-misting services visit our website or to arrange a free no-obligation quotation call us on 01656 713950.

Content has been taken from :- https://bit.ly/3kBGc3S 

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